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Young Fives


Our young fives program focuses on promoting kindergarten readiness skills through small group experiences, whole group experiences and one-on-one interactions. We focus on developing such essential life skills as getting along with others, problem solving, listening to others, making sensible choices, feeling positive about one’s self, negotiation and higher level thinking skills.


By the time children have turned five, they have gained security about who they are and their place in the world. They are increasingly independent and self-sufficient individuals. We stress the importance of Christian values in the way we treat each other and those around us.


Our daily schedule consists of a morning meeting, choice time in which the children rotate through the seven different areas of the classroom, snack, show and tell, gross motor play and music.


Our morning meeting sets the tone for our day. We begin by reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. The children then answer a question of the day which is directly related to our letter of the week or our unit of study. We then move on to our calendar and days of the week. We currently use the Handwriting Without Tears method to introduce letters at a rate of 1 per week, starting with the letters that are easier to write. A letter bin and guessing box are used daily to reinforce the phonemic sounds of each letter. Lastly, the children are introduced to new materials in the classroom and make a plan to start their day.


The developmentally appropriate curriculum is designed to let the children explore the classroom which is divided into seven different areas- blocks, dramatic play, manipulatives, art, library, discovery and sensory. In these seven different areas, activities are planned and set up to address development in the following areas: social/emotional development, physical development (both fine and gross motor), cognitive development and language development.


Young Fives – Daily Schedule:

  • Arrival

  • Learning Centers in Classroom - see below

  • Snack

  • Children’s Center

  • Music Room - story and songs


Learning Centers Available During Class Time:

  • Literacy - vocabulary and language, words, print, comprehension and books.

  • Creative - we provide a wide range of self-expressive materials including art, drama, music, puppets, and movement.

  • Science - the physical properties of objects such as sand and water, living things and other hands-on exploratory materials.

  • Math - numbers, patterns, spatial awareness and measurement.

  • Blocks - balance, gravity, size, planning, sharing, design, and clean up skills.


Young Fives Meet:

             Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/ 9:05am - 2:00pm + Fri 9:05am - 12pm


Child must be five by December 2025, no exceptions. CHILD MUST BE POTTY TRAINED



5 hours, 4 days per week + 3 hours, 1 day per week is $515 per month ($4,635 per year). Parents provide lunch for child to eat at school.

Returning families are eligible to enroll on February 25, 2025. If you are not a returning family, you must wait until March 1, 2025 to enroll your child. If you enroll before March 1st, you will forfeit your registration fee and your spot in the class you register for.

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